
Version 0.2.1, compatibility with MLF versions 20220529.1 and 20220803.1 (Themes)

by Auge @, Friday, April 21, 2023, 14:36 (708 days ago) @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 which is compatible with the My Little Forum versions 20220529.1 and 20220803.1. For forums with activated spam classification: Entries, that are so far unclassfied as ham or spam will be marked with an icon in the thread lists.


Additionally I reimplemented the forum feature to define images in entries as floated images. The rest of the entries content floats around these images (again).

Regarding the browser compatibility, the list in the message about version 0.1.1 is no longer valid. Because of the implementation of the floating box content with display: flow-root; the theme works with the following browsers (list from the corresponding CanIuse?-page], so I give no warranty for it's completness):

- Firefox 53 (and newer)
- Chromium 58 (and newer) and it's derivates (i.e. Google Chrome, MS Edge, Opera, Vivaldi) in their corresponding versions
- Safari 13 (and newer)
- Safari for iOS 13 (and newer)
- Android Stock Browser (in its current version)
- Chrome Android 62 (in its current version)
- Firefox Android 57 (in its current version)
- Samsung Internet 7.2 (and newer)

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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