
Theme Responsive 1 release thread (Themes)

by Auge @, Friday, January 12, 2018, 14:38 2635 days ago


First release 0.0.10 works with MLF version 2.4.7.

I updated the files of my personal theme to be compatible with My Little Forum 2.4.7. At the moment it is optimised to work in narrow browser viewports (i.e. smartphones, small tablets). Next step is to set the rules for wider viewports.

Registered users can activate the theme in the personal settings for testing purposes.

Update: the theme is activated as standard theme of this forum.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.1, more flexbox boxes

by Auge @, Wednesday, January 17, 2018, 12:58 2630 days ago @ Auge


The theme Responsive 1 is available in version 0.1.1. You can use it in devices with narrow viewport and meanwhile also with wider viewports. You can test it in this installation with an active user account. Therefore you have to select it in your personal settings. Keep in mind that you see the default template when you are not logged in.

It is strongly not recommended to use the theme as default theme in a forum because of it's current incompleteness. Neither the choice of colours is nearly finished nor has the work on the icon theme begun. On a few places I'm still using the old icons on other places I removed them. So this is really inconsistent at the moment.

The following section is as of 2023-04-21 no longer valid. Please see the corresponding section in the release entry for version 0.1.20 for the new list.

The theme works because of the exclusive use of the official flexbox implementation with the following browsers (list from the corresponding CanIuse?-Page, so I give no warranty for it's completness):

- MS Edge
- IE Mobile 11
- Firefox 28 (and newer)
- Chromium 29 (and newer) and it's derivates (i.e. Opera, Vivaldi)
- Safari 9 (and newer)
- Safari for iOS 9.2 (and newer)
- Opera Mini
- Opera Mobile 12.1 (and newer)
- Android Stock Browser 4.4 (and newer)
- Chrome Android 62
- Firefox Android 57
- Blackberry 10
- Samsung Internet 4
- Baidu 7.12
- QQ 1.2

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.2, tables and adjustments

by Auge @, Friday, January 19, 2018, 14:26 2628 days ago @ Auge


The theme Responsive 1 is available in version 0.1.2. Reversed the logic of the CSS-rules for tables. Made several adjustments and added awful colours to a few elements for testing purposes.

The theme in this forum installation – it is not it's default theme! – is in the current state and reflects the version 0.1.2. You can test it with an active user account. Therefore you have to select it in your personal settings. You can find the compatibility list for browsers in the announcement of version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.3, forgotten changes and first new icons

by Auge @, Wednesday, January 24, 2018, 14:19 2623 days ago @ Auge


The theme Responsive 1 is available in version 0.1.3. Made a few adjustments and introduced the first 21 scalable icons in the SVG-format. As stated before the icons are also available from a separate repository.

The theme in this forum installation – it is not it's default theme! – is in the current state and reflects the version 0.1.3. You can test it with an active user account. Therefore you have to select it in your personal settings. You can find the compatibility list for browsers in the announcement of version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.4, more icons and compatibility with My Little Forum 2.4.8

by Auge @, Sunday, February 18, 2018, 22:33 2598 days ago @ Auge


Because of the release of My Little Forum 2.4.8 I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1, which is compatible with the new MLF-version. You'll find the list of changes in the linked release announcement on Github.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

The theme is now the standard theme of this installation of My Little Forum 2.4.x (x >= 8).

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.5, once more more icons and compatibility with My Little Forum 2.4.11 and 2.4.12

by Auge @, Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 10:37 2471 days ago @ Auge


Because of the release of My Little Forum 2.4.11 I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1, which is compatible with the new MLF-version. You'll find the list of changes in the linked release announcement on Github.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.6, compatibility with My Little Forum 2.4.13

by Auge @, Thursday, August 16, 2018, 20:55 2419 days ago @ Auge


Because of the release of My Little Forum 2.4.13 I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1, which is compatible with the new MLF-version. The only changes are related to the new version of My Little Forum.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.7, compatibility with My Little Forum 2.4.15

by Auge @, Sunday, December 02, 2018, 17:42 2311 days ago @ Auge


Because of the release of My Little Forum 2.4.15 (and it's buggy predecessor 2.4.14) I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1, which is compatible with the new MLF-version.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.8, compatibility with My Little Forum 2.4.16

by Auge @, Friday, December 28, 2018, 09:44 2286 days ago @ Auge


Because of the release of My Little Forum 2.4.16 a few weeks ago I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1, which is compatible with the new MLF-version. The new version contains a few additional advances. The forms for login and registration and the image-upload-popup-page got their first styling. A few further tweeks landed which should make future changes easier because of some code simplification.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.9, compatibility with My Little Forum 2.4.18

by Auge @, Monday, January 21, 2019, 23:17 2261 days ago @ Auge


After the release of MLF's version 2.4.18 I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 now. Additionally to the reimplementations of the changes in the default theme the HTML structure of the pagination lists got unified and the main settings form got rebuilt in a first attempt without the table structure, used in most of the other forms. A last remarkable visible fix is the icon for the link to expand all threads in the main views that was missed before.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.10, compatibility with My Little Forum 2.4.19

by Auge @, Thursday, February 07, 2019, 16:48 2244 days ago @ Auge


After the release of MLF's version 2.4.19 I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 a few days ago. Because of the hunt for a bug I had to delay the presentation. This version is also compatible with version

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.11, compatibility with My Little Forum 2.4.20

by Auge @, Thursday, May 16, 2019, 15:12 2146 days ago @ Auge


After the release of MLF's version 2.4.20 I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1.

This release is compatible with My Little Forum versions 2.4.20 and 2.4.21.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.12, thread tree decoration, compatibility with My Little Forum 2.4.20

by Auge @, Sunday, May 19, 2019, 17:12 2143 days ago @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 with a few fixes and the return of the thread tree decoration to the singe entry view.

This release is compatible with My Little Forum versions 2.4.20 and 2.4.21.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.13, a few changes, compatible with My Little Forum 2.4.20

by Auge @, Thursday, October 03, 2019, 16:01 2006 days ago @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 with a few enhancements and a fix.

This release is compatible with My Little Forum versions 2.4.20 and 2.4.21.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.14, unifications and a few smoother icons

by Auge @, Thursday, January 09, 2020, 20:35 1908 days ago @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 with a few enhancements.

This release is compatible with My Little Forum versions 2.4.20 and 2.4.21.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

  • locked

Version 0.1.15, overhaul of the subnavigation and further smoother icons

by Auge @, Saturday, February 15, 2020, 13:05 1871 days ago @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 with a few enhancements, especially for the subnavigation block.

This release is compatible with My Little Forum versions 2.4.20 and 2.4.21.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.16, a lot of housekeeping

by Auge @, Sunday, March 08, 2020, 00:42 1850 days ago @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 with a few enhancements of the user list in the admin area, the item tools in the entry views and – a more general task – for checkboxes in forms. Checkboxes get not properly zoomed in some browsers so they get displayed very small even with a properly zoomed font size. That leads to a bad usability because of very small target sizes of the checkboxes, even with the text as labels as addtional clickable areas.

This release is compatible with My Little Forum versions 2.4.20 and 2.4.21.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

  • locked

Version 0.1.17, compatibility with MLF versions 2.4.22 and 2.4.23

by Auge @, Wednesday, September 30, 2020, 22:45 1643 days ago @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 which makes it compatible to My Little Forum versions 2.4.22 and 2.4.23.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

  • locked

Version 0.1.18, compatibility with MLF versions from 2.4.22 to 2.4.24

by Auge @, Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 10:14 1631 days ago @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 which makes it compatible to the My Little Forum versions 2.4.22 to 2.4.24.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

  • locked

Version 0.1.19, compatibility with MLF versions from 2.4.22 to 2.4.24

by Auge @, Monday, March 27, 2023, 14:05 735 days ago @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 which is compatible with the My Little Forum versions 2.4.22 to 2.4.24.

There are many changes in the user interface, mainly in the administration panel. Furthermore I unified the HTML-structure of a few similar working elements to simplify changes regarding CSS and to make those changes working on several places at once.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.2.0, compatibility with MLF versions from 20220508.1 to 20220517.1

by Auge @, Friday, April 21, 2023, 12:42 710 days ago @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 which is compatible with the My Little Forum versions 20220508.1 to 20220517.1.

This release includes the changes, that are necessary to support the use of all new features, that are available in the MLF releases 20220508.1 to 20220517.1. There are no further changes. Please stay tuned for releases, that will support newer MLF-versions.

For the browser compatibility see the message about version 0.1.1.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

  • locked

Version 0.2.1, compatibility with MLF versions 20220529.1 and 20220803.1

by Auge @, Friday, April 21, 2023, 14:36 710 days ago @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 which is compatible with the My Little Forum versions 20220529.1 and 20220803.1. For forums with activated spam classification: Entries, that are so far unclassfied as ham or spam will be marked with an icon in the thread lists.


Additionally I reimplemented the forum feature to define images in entries as floated images. The rest of the entries content floats around these images (again).

Regarding the browser compatibility, the list in the message about version 0.1.1 is no longer valid. Because of the implementation of the floating box content with display: flow-root; the theme works with the following browsers (list from the corresponding CanIuse?-page], so I give no warranty for it's completness):

- Firefox 53 (and newer)
- Chromium 58 (and newer) and it's derivates (i.e. Google Chrome, MS Edge, Opera, Vivaldi) in their corresponding versions
- Safari 13 (and newer)
- Safari for iOS 13 (and newer)
- Android Stock Browser (in its current version)
- Chrome Android 62 (in its current version)
- Firefox Android 57 (in its current version)
- Samsung Internet 7.2 (and newer)

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

  • locked

Version 0.1.20, floating images and compatibility with MLF versions from 2.4.22 to 2.4.24

by Auge @, Friday, April 21, 2023, 14:41 710 days ago @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 which is compatible with the My Little Forum versions 2.4.22 to 2.4.24. I reimplemented the forum feature to define images in entries as floated images. The rest of the entries content floats around these images (again).

Regarding the browser compatibility, the list in the message about version 0.1.1 is no longer valid. Because of the implementation of the floating box content with display: flow-root; the theme works with the following browsers (list from the corresponding CanIuse?-page], so I give no warranty for it's completness):

- Firefox 53 (and newer)
- Chromium 58 (and newer) and it's derivates (i.e. Google Chrome, MS Edge, Opera, Vivaldi) in their curent versions
- Safari 13 (and newer)
- Safari for iOS 13 (and newer)
- Android Stock Browser (in its current version)
- Chrome Android 62 (in its current version)
- Firefox Android 57 (in its current version)
- Samsung Internet 7.2 (and newer)

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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Version 0.1.21, not exposed passwords and compatibility with MLF versions from 2.4.22 to 2.4.24

by Auge @, Monday, April 24, 2023, 22:33 707 days ago @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 which is compatible with the My Little Forum versions 2.4.22 to 2.4.24. I reimplemented the forum feature to prevent a password to be sent to an external service for spell checking.

Regarding the browser compatibility, the list in the message about version 0.1.1 is no longer valid. See the new list in the release entry for version 0.1.20.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

  • locked

Version 0.2.2, a few fixes, compatible with MLF versions 20220529.1 and 20220803.1

by Auge @, Monday, April 24, 2023, 23:02 707 days ago @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 which is compatible with the My Little Forum versions 20220529.1 and 20220803.1. Passwords will not be exposed to external services for spell checking anymore. I also fixed a few usability bugs. The styling of radio buttons and checkboxes, that hides the elements itself and replaces them with graphics or styling of their lables, was done with display: none; in some cases. All form elements that got hidden with display: none; was not accessible for keyboard users. Additionally the order of elements, steered with the attribute tabindex, was confusing in a few forms. Removing the attribute occurences with exception of the cases, where an element shouldn't be accessible by keyboard, restores the natural order of occurence in the source code/DOM.

Regarding the browser compatibility, the list in the message about version 0.1.1 is no longer valid. Please see the new list in the release entry for version 0.2.1 instead.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

  • locked

Version 0.1.22, usability fixes, compatible with MLF versions from 2.4.22 to 2.4.24

by Auge @, Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 21:00 706 days ago @ Auge


I released a new version of the theme Responsive 1 which is compatible with the My Little Forum versions 2.4.22 to 2.4.24. I backported the usability fixes, which are also part of version 0.2.2.

Regarding the browser compatibility, the list in the message about version 0.1.1 is no longer valid. See the new list in the release entry for version 0.1.20.

Please report issues and opinions here or on Github.

Tschö, Auge

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